NATO Dead, King Dollar Wrecked

The Paradigm Shift has reached a higher gear. The danger and risk levels have gone to critical levels. The risk of economic destruction has gone into recognizable critical levels. The source of the problem has become more easily identified. The typical tactics not only do not work, but expose the bully, the warmonger, the hegemony advocate, the wizard of violence, the imposer of self-serving rules, the crime syndicate bosses, the masters of espionage, the man with killer drone toys. The USDollar is defended by war, market interference (see LIBOR, FOREX, debt ratings), accounting rules gimmicks, rigged detonation of banking systems, pointed assassinations for heads of state, even fabricated natural events (see HAARP in Philippines). The entire system is supported by Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) which distorts asset values and discourages savings. The misallocation of resources matches the wet blanket effect (see Money Velocity shutdown). The entire system is supported by Quantitative Easing (QE) which has monetized the USGovt bond market, the US property market, the US stock market, and soon possibly the US municipal bond market. The capital destruction is rampant, severe, and entering vicious feedback loops. The entire financial and economic system was held together in 2013 by cables and ropes in grand lashing style. The entire financial and economic system is now held together in 2014 by strings and howitzers, not to mention the endless sanctions and destructive rules, even punitive bank fines. The United States seeks to remain Lord of the Flies, its domain extended over a wrecked European continent. The main question is whether Europe will sign on to make a perverse corporatist trade union with a sinking millstone.
The United States seeks to pursue the Western totalitarian state by means of pulling down the European Economy, from the broken system to emerge the reconstruction of oppressive fascism. A wrecked Western Economy is pre-requisite. The small ray of light slips through, as the Fascist Business Model has a crack in it. Usually the big powerful corporations support the government fascist dictums. However, Exxon Mobil, Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Boeing stand in opposition to sanctions against Russia. The game is fast changing. The Emperor’s court is showing critical internal defections. The bigger ray of light comes from Germany, which shows important signs of refusal to permit its economic destruction in order to suit the elite plans of a grander fascist state. The Germans have suffered hyper inflation before, and will not again. The Germans have suffered a national calamity from an integrated fascist state, and will not again. It is becoming excruciatingly clear that the Global Axis of Fascism is the US, UK, and its leash holder in the SouthEast Mediterranean. The entire global system has reached the critical phase. The breakdown phase is accelerating.

This post was published at GoldSeek on 4 September 2014.