2015: The Year Of The American Identity Crisis

Race and sexual identity now make up a good portion of all media distractions. According to political activists, ‘symbols of oppression’ now include Halloween costumes, the Confederate flag, and the color of Starbucks coffee cups. So shallow is our collective identity, that this now defines our most passionate debate. While the global economy deteriorates and our government pursues endless conflict across the planet, this is what Americans are most concerned about.
Identity issues make the perfect media story. For the 24-hour TV and internet rage business, these symbolic, but mostly linguistic fights generate strong emotional responses while being non-threatening to advertisers or to the government.
These relatively innocuous symbols have become lightning rods for attention, while real issues go ignored. We wrote in a previous article back in June: ‘[R]eal problems like mass incarceration, torture, endless war, the end of privacy, and widespread poverty are ignored. This is more than just a corrupt media distracting us with meaningless trivia. Americans literally cannot tell the difference between symbols and reality.’

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 11/27/2015.