The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law Tomorrow; Part I

At one time, the United States was a ‘free democracy’. When did it end? Assigning a precise date to that question would be the subject of considerable debate. However, clearly the beginning-of-the-end traces back to a very specific date: November, 1910.
It was at that time that a cabal of the Western world’s wealthiest and most-powerful oligarchs (mostly bankers) met, in secret, on a private island off the coast of Georgia, named (ironically) Jekyll Island. At that secret meeting they plotted the creation of ‘the Federal Reserve’.
As author, and noted authority on the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin observed; ‘the Fed’ is a legislated banking cartel, a ‘hybrid’ between a government agency and a private corporation. When it wishes to invoke the authority of government in order to command obedience for its decrees; it cloaks itself in the guise of being a part of that government.
At all other times, it behaves purely as the privately-owned corporation that it is: acting solely in the self-interest of the handful of oligarchs who own/control it. The Federal Reserve is the ultimate ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’, and thus the (deliberate?) irony of the choice of location where the Federal Reserve was effectively created.
The actual legislation which institutionalized this banking cartel was merely a formality, as even by 1910 these oligarchs already ‘controlled’ (i.e. owned) enough members of the U. S. government to ensure passage of any legislation they commanded. Proof of this comes merely by looking at the exact date when ‘The Federal Reserve Act’ was signed into law: December 23, 1913 – after most members of the U. S. government had already deserted Washington to prepare for their Christmas festivities.
How and why did the creation of the Federal Reserve signal the beginning-of-the-end of the U. S.’s endlessly-hyped ‘democracy’? It was (is) because the Federal Reserve was legislated as an entity abovethe government of the United States, and thus above any of its laws. Any who doubt this conclusion needmerely listen as Sir Alan Greenspan explains what the ‘independence’ of the Fed really means: that the Federal Reserve was (and is) the supreme authority within the U. S.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on 22 September 2014.