This Is The $64 Trillion Question From Today’s Fed Statement

While on the surface, there was something in it for both hawks and doves, with the Fed admitting, and adding, that “the pace of job gains slowed” boosting the domestic economic dovish camp (the language about business fixed investment increasing “at solid rates in recent months” will be promptly removed as the recent re-plunge in oil flows through the energy sector’s cash flow statement), it was the hawkishness about the global environment that appears to have been the primary catalyst for today’s rally as it gave the market the impression that the global economic jitters from the past three months are now well in the rear view mirror.
Specifically, it was the complete removal of the line that “recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term” and the addition that the fed is “monitoring global economic and financial developments” which were the kicker.
This is how Bank of America’s Michael Hanson explained this change:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 10/28/2015.