ALERT: World’s Largest Derivative Holder…Wobbling!

All eyes are on Deutsche Bank’s $75T Derivative portfolio at the moment as they just announced they will be “scaling back” their most profitable nuclear ponzi scheme…Credit Default Swaps!
Deutsche Bank Scales Back Trading in Credit Derivatives
“The bank is exiting part of the market as trading linked to swaps protecting against the default of individual companies plunged from as much as $32 trillion before the financial crisis to less than $11 trillion, according to data from the Bank for International Settlements. Trading in the market, which was blamed for helping to exacerbate the financial crisis, has become more expensive as regulators across U. S. and Europe have stepped up scrutiny and increased balance-sheet requirements making it harder to carry out trades.”
“Earlier this month, the company announced that the co-head of its fixed-income trading business was stepping down, leaving Richard Herman to become the sole head of the department, according to the company.”

Remember…for every derivative written there is a counter-party taking the other side of that bet.
Keep an eye on this story as it can bring the financial markets to a halt if it starts spreading to other banks.
My advice – Stay indoors…and not just for the crappy weather!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

This post was published at RoadtoRoota on Today.