NEW EASTERN ENERGY CARTEL: Replacement to the Dead Petro-Dollar

The Petro-Dollar is dead. It had served so well for over 40 years in maintaining the USDollar as global currency reserve, while keeping tight the controls on geopolitical power. The link between crude oil and the USDollar has been broken, painfully evident since 2016 with a harsh price decline that cannot rise about the $50 level. It remains stuck below that level despite heavy collusion in a demonstration that OPEC is dead defunct also. A void has been created in the energy sector, a most important sector. Enter Russia & China to fill the void. Both the crude oil market and the natural gas market have new alliances which feature nations acting in a cooperative manner. The common element is Russia on the production side, complete with pipeline arrays. The common other element is China on the demand side with large customer needs and financial influence. This article describes the two emerging organizations, which the Jackass calls the Oil Consortium and the NatGas Cartel. It will serve the Eurasian Trade Zone. It will function outside the USD payment system. It is ripe for Gold payment structure in the near future. In no way do these qualify as coffin nails for the Petro-Dollar. The funeral for the corrupted abused hegemon USDollar might have taken place with the Trump charade in Saudi Arabia a month ago. The emerging energy organizations signal the new dawn after the funeral without eulogy.
The USDollar is integrally related to the global dominance that the United States has fostered for global benefit, then later distorted into a credit abuse dynamic but hardly for benefit, then finally abused beyond legitimate basis for global aggression and financial extortion. The dominance is unraveling within the Global Paradigm Shift. It is indeed late in the game for the shift, whereby no reversal to repair the USDollar is possible. The Eastern energy cartel has a firm foundation, leaving the West with no possible response. The consequences are vast, extending to the USMilitary. Its reliance upon free oil is ending. The over-stretched military presence will repeat the end of the road that the British Military faced several decades ago. Both the British and the Americans have lost their cherished global reserve currency, and along with it, lost power and prestige. In recent months, the US has proved it has very few friends even among its list of allies.

This post was published at GoldSeek on 24 August 2017.