Gold And Silver – Do Not Expect Much Difference With Trump Compared To Obama

Saturday 3 December 2016
Obama was the ‘Yes, we can!’ hope and change candidate that become the deep state elite’s presidential lackey. It was Obama’s choice to sell his political and personal soul in serving the globalists.
History has been somewhat hidden from the public but still in the open for those who take the time to look. The US went bankrupt in 1933 when Roosevelt declared the Bank Holiday. Its purpose was to eliminate any and all banking independence and give all control over to the Federal Reserve cartel. Every bankrupt entity has a bankruptcy judge to oversee the bankruptcy. That job went to the Secretary of the Treasury as agent for the globalists that took control over the United States.
Does anyone ever wonder why the Secretary of Treasury is always chosen from Goldman
Sachs? It is the banking arm for the globalists. As a bankrupt entity, the corporate United States has no choice and must bow to the dictates of the Treasury Secretary. Trump has no choice. This is one of the reasons why this country has constantly been under the War Powers Act since the 1930s. Under the War Powers Act, the Constitution is suspended, and the president ‘runs the country’ by Executive Order.

This post was published at Edge Trader Plus on December 3, 2016.