Storm Clouds Gathering

If you have the time, please take a few minutes to watch this video.
Two things:
1. I like these StormCloudsGathering guys. They’re not just out to sensationalize and they try to get it right. Case in point…back during the “Cliven Bundy Crisis”, they reworked and even pulled some of their videos as new information became available. That’s honorable and I respect them for it.
2. Like anything else, there are parts of this video that are debatable and I don’t endorse all of their conclusions. However, who am I to say that they are wrong or inaccurate? Perhaps some of the pieces may connect differently than proposed.
That said, this is an extremely well-done and informative video and the base conclusion that maintaining dollar hegemony is the primary motivation for US “foreign policy” is certainly accurate. Even if you disagree with the premise, it’s worth watching just for the concise explanation of the petro-dollar system.
Please watch and then consider linking/forwarding.

This post was published at TF Metals Report on September 18, 2014.