UK School Using Biometric Fingerprint Data to Make Sure Kids Eat ‘Healthy Diet’

The use of biometrics on children in various areas of the school setting, from swiping a finger to check out a library book or scanning a palm to purchase a lunch is sadly not new.
What is new is what a headteacher recently told parents to justify the use of fingerprint scans in the lunchroom at Redhill School in Stourbridge, England.
‘We are aiming to have a cashless system throughout the school. The catering system is better for parents because they don’t have to provide children with lunch money every morning. From our perspective it is far more efficient as it reduces waiting times.
‘We will also be able to monitor what children are buying to make sure they are eating a healthy diet.’
Wait. Back up a sec. Really?
Tracking each child via fingerprint to database and examine their lunch choices and determine whether they can be considered part of a ‘healthy’ diet, huh?

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on September 14th, 2014.