WSJ Urges Trump To Keep His Mouth Shut

The state of the Trump Presidency has been perpetual turbulence, which seems to be how the principal likes it. The latest vortex is over Mr. Trump’s disclosure of sensitive intel to the Russians – and whatever the particulars of the incident, the danger is that Presidencies can withstand only so much turbulence before they come apart.
The Washington Post reported Monday night that in an Oval Office meeting last week Mr. Trump relayed high-level ‘code word’ classified material obtained from an ally to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Cue another Washington meltdown. The President took to Twitter on Tuesday morning to defend himself, claiming an ‘absolute right’ to disclose ‘facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety.’
National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster put a finer point on it at a Tuesday press conference, though without denying key details. He said Mr. Trump’s disclosure was ‘wholly appropriate’ and didn’t expose intelligence sources and methods.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on May 17, 2017.