What Trump’s First 100 Days Portend for Precious Metals Investors

The first 100 days of the Trump administration have brought some surprises and disappointments – as well as some new threats and new opportunities for precious metals investors.
Among the disappointments was President Trump’s inability to push Obamacare repeal through Congress. The White House intended for the GOP’s replacement to reduce the deficit and lay the groundwork for tax cuts.
Now there is a very real chance that no tax reforms whatsoever will be passed this year. And that would be an even bigger disappointment to many investors. Ideological divisions within the GOP may well lead to debt ceiling brinksmanship and a possible government shutdown.
Trump’s surprise about-face on foreign policy in ordering bombings in Syria could have far-reaching implications for U. S. relations with other problem regimes including Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. The geopolitical risks going forward are many and range from a new Cold War, to trade and currency wars, to the worst-case scenarios of a North Korean attack on Hawaii or an all-out nuclear war.

This post was published at GoldSeek on Friday, 5 May 2017.