Witness In Shkreli Trial Says “Most Hated Man In America” Made Him Millions

Benjamin Brafman, attorney for former Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli has based Shkreli’s defense on the notion that, while his client may have misled investors in hedge funds and pharmaceutical companies that he controlled, most of them made money thanks to Shkreli’s business acument and investing prowess.
Even Sarah Hassan, a witness for the prosecution, admitted as much when she testified that Shkreli paid her back with $400,000 in cash, plus shares in Retrophin, a biotech company founded by Shkreli – though Shkreli’s repeated evasions felt like ‘a betrayal.’
And on Wednesday, testimony from another witness supported Brafman’s assertion: Darren Blanton, a Dallas-based biotechnology investor, told the jury that, although Shkreli lied to him repeatedly about his investing track record and the amount of capital he managed, the former pharma entrepreneur helped him make millions in profits.
Here’s Reuters:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jul 6, 2017.