‘Twas the Week Before Christmas..

Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger compares the current state of the precious metals market to it one year ago.
“‘Tis one week ’til Christmas and all through the Street
Brokers are begging for the Donald’s next tweet.
With benchmarks all causing the advisors such fear
They all need a jumpstart to rescue the year.”
I was sitting in my rustic abode on the shores of lovely Lake Scugog last evening, a houseful of family all revelling beautifully as outside the wind howled and the snow whirled while neither man nor beast dared venture into the frigid abyss of a vintage Canadian pre-winter, jet-stream-delivered, pre-Christmas storm. You see, I live in a small rural town located northeast of the City of Toronto at latitude 446′, which is approximately the same as Minneapolis, Minnesota, but nowhere as isolated (nor as wintery) as Edmonton, or Minsk, or Moscow, all of which reside at around latitude 553′. In the vernacular of brass monkeys, the weather outside here in Port Perry is emasculating at -16 C (3F) but the weather in Moosonee, Ontario, which lies over 1,000 kilometres north of me in the SAME province, was clocked at -27 Celsius, which comes in at -16.6 F. That, my friends, is COLD weather.
Now, add the wind chill factor, which tonight here in the “Port” is severe as not only is it cold, we sit on the windward side of the lake, which means that the big northwest wind comes over the tree and roof tops across the lake and then barrels down in us with a vengeance. Fido can’t even get through the snow drifts caused by the wind to do his “business,” so he just walks back and forth until he can function and then, when finished, BOLTS back up the back stairs of the deck and howls at the patio door until let in. So WTF is the point of all of this drivel? Ladies and gentlemen, it is three days unto the first day of winter and I continue to read about carbon credits and global warming and how we should ALL drive electric cars. Three days until winter. . .
As Donald Trump continues to “drain the swamp” by adding more and more members of the Black Lagoon alumni (for all of you millennials or echo-boomers or carbon credit counters, Web search “The Creature from the Black Lagoon”), the last vestige of the Obama “Faith and Hope” movement are now observing Mother Nature at her omnipotent best; she is showing these kids (who vote with their “trust fund” brains) that no matter how many “Congressional Studies” are completed and read in session, Mother Earth determines when and IF GLOBAL WARMING is an “issue” with her. She sits up there in the clouds quietly watching the creatures – ALL creatures – that have an impact on HER planet and decides when and if a species should survive. The last time that Mother decided to change the status quo was when a bunch of the “Protestacockalus Flatulus” decided to tell “Tyrannosaurus Rex” that he was emitting too much methane after meals. She hurled an asteroid the size of the moon into what is now Sudbury, Ontario, in order to curb the methane by creating an Ice Age that exterminated the dinosaurs. I guess you really don’t want to piss off Mother Nature, now, do you?

This post was published at GoldSeek on 20 December 2016.