Gold And Silver – 11th Hour: Globalists 10 v People 0

At the proverbial 11th hour, the globalists have a shut out going for themselves with people unable to mount any meaningful opposition. While the word ‘hour’ is referenced, the time could be measured in months, even a few more years. Whatever the duration is, the time frame continues to shorten.
Rather than provide supply/demand facts for gold and silver, amply illustrated with lots of graphs and charts, provide information on Commitment of Traders data, and so much more, we prefer to engage in other situations that may be having more of an effect as to why gold and silver prices are not rallying to price levels that would reflect the true supply/ demand circumstances. These are the more pragmatic reasons for owning and holding either or both physical metals.
Unseen and unacknowledged forces are keeping a manipulated lid on gold and silver, the US being the primary instigator, [always acting was the behest of the globalists that are actually in charge]. So we point to other areas most people do not associate with why gold and silver are the only commodities that have not been price adjusted for so many decades to account for changes that would otherwise impact both metals.
The word patriot is not defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, but pauper is. Moneychangers have no interest in patriots but paupers are grist for keeping the masses suppressed, used as examples for those considering acting in one’s own best interest, which, of course, can only mean acting against government interest.

This post was published at Edge Trader Plus on May 21, 2016.