All Great World Events Happen Twice, Once As Tragedy And Secondly As A Farce!

Karl Marx once said, ‘Hegel remarked somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce!’
Georg Hegel was a German idealist and philosopher and although I do not accept Marxist ideals I recognize the truth of his statement in the reality of our world today. Will it be another war followed by depression or a depression followed by a war, another Christian Crusade to insure our public safety and solve the unemployment problem? The populace, who must be distracted, will once again be called upon to fight a war, economic in nature, brought on by greed of a few who lack principles, integrity, honesty and competence. It will be a farce!
Our dollar states, ‘In God We Trust’ yet today our government hardly espouses this belief in their actions or behavior and therefore, why should you? I am not saying to not trust in God, what I am saying is DO NOT trust in the dollar of the United States of America Corporation as a unit of wealth to store the fruits of your labor in. The dollar is but a tool of exchange to pay for goods and services of value. Tomorrow, maybe not so!
The money you have in ASSETS in your bank account is your banks liabilities which they in turn loan out. Today all asset accounts are but virtual numbers on your computer screen or paper account summary at your bank or investment firm. Actually, an imaginary digit is our monetary unit today. These cyber accounts can in essence be deleted or partially deleted at the will of our banking authorities per their FDIC regulation or publicized cyber attack.

This post was published at Gold-Eagle on August 27, 2014.