The Student Loan Bubble and Economic Collapse

The Looming Last Gasp of Indoctrination? The inevitable collapse of the student loan ‘market’ and with it the take-down of many higher educational institutions will be one of the happiest and much needed events to look forward to in the coming months/years. Whether the student loan bubble bursts on its own or implodes due to a general economic collapse, does not matter as long as higher education is dealt a death blow and can no longer be a conduit of socialist and egalitarian nonsense for the inculcation of young minds.
The perilous condition of the student loan sector can be seen by looking at a few ominous pieces of data:
The US has around $1.3 trillion in non-dischargeable loans to students Over 120 billion in student loans are already in default 27% of students are a month behind on their payments* As economic conditions deteriorate and there are even less meaningful jobs for college graduates than there are now, these numbers will only get worse.
Not only have colleges and universities been havens of leftist thought for many years, but they have become ridiculously expensive and beyond the reach of most middle-class income earners to afford without going into significant debt.

This post was published at Acting-Man on July 21, 2017.