‘One Thousand Percent’ Proof of Insider Trading

It’s September 2008…
Just 12 days before the great financial quake… the quake that nearly brought down the very walls of Jericho.
225 miles to the south of the epicenter… Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke meet secretly with members of Congress.
Very secretly.
‘These meetings were so sensitive,’ says Peter Schweizer, former fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, ‘they would actually confiscate cellphones and BlackBerrys going into those meetings.’
Paulson and Bernanke gushed sweat from their trembling domes… blood pounded in their temples… their brows furrowed with apocalyptic thought.
For they know the earth beneath was about to give way.
And they were warning key congressional leadership that the great financial earthquake could strike within days.
Terror seized the secret chamber… and the congressional kingpins took to panicked flight.

This post was published at Wall Street Examiner by Brian Maher ‘ July 11, 2017.