Trade Day Momentum Rankings

Friday was the last Friday in the month of February. That is the definition of a trade day for momentum rankings.
Trade Day Momentum Rankings
The table below shows the new momentum rankings for the top ETFs followed in the ETF Rotational Trading System :
Momentum Rankings on Trade Day (2/24/2017)
EWX is the currently highest-ranked ETF. Rankings for the next dozen ETFs are also shown. The table also shows the rankings over the last two months by week.
The three top ranked ETFs are international-oriented funds with the first two specializing in emerging markets. Considering the performance of the US markets (Dow has had 11 consecutive record closings), emerging markets have performed well to be so high-ranked. The other observation from the 13 top-ranked momentum ETFs is the dearth of traditional US funds. Only rankings 4 – 6 (XLV, QQQ and XLP) and 11 (XLK) fit that category. The remainder are either International or precious metals/mining (SLV, GDXJ, GDX).

This post was published at Economic Noise on February 25, 2017.