Murder Your Unicorns: Warren Buffett Eats Zuckerpuffs For Breakfast

‘Kill all your darlings.’
-William Faulkner
Imagine an epic battle to the financial death between Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg. (Best mental picture of 2017.)
Who do you think would win?
(SPOILER ALERT: Buffett eats Zuckerpuffs for breakfast. Obviously.)
Buffett’s not a magic man by any means.
His secret sauce, like many geniuses, is that he simply loves to do what everybody loves to hate…
The man loves his accounting. For him, it is an art. In his eyes, well-balanced books are masterpieces. And he has a great eye for the chef d’oeuvre.
Zuckerberg, on the other hand, represents a different model of moneymaking. Which is, of course, the startup model.
The Buffett model is based on checks and balances – on double-entry accounting – on being in touch with the real world of real (and finite) things.
The Facebook model – the modern startup model, that is – is based on white-knuckling the handlebars, burning money and making a whole lot of sacrifices to the Startup Gods in hopes that Lady Luck bestows you with her blessings.
One of these models, if applied to your entire life, will almost guarantee growth. The other, on the other hand, will almost guarantee you will crash, burn, curse the Gods and cry.
We trust you can tell which is which. The next question, then, is how to implement it into your life without wanting to rip off your fingernails.
Well, you’re in luck.

This post was published at Laissez Faire on Feb 3, 2017.