6 Reasons Why ECB Will Avoid QE As Long As Possible (And Why The Fed Did It)

Yields on European sovereign debt have collapsed in recent months as investors piled into these ‘riskless’ investments following hints that the ECB will unleash QE (at some point “we promise”) and the economic situation collapses. However, Mario Draghi has made it clear that any QE would be privately-focused (because policy transmission channels were clogged) and the appointment of Blackrock to run an ABS-purchase plan confirms that those buying bonds to front-run the ECB may have done so in error. As Rabobank’s Elwin de Groot notes in six simple comments that he expects continued “procrastination” by the ECB over sovereign QE even after dismal economic data – and in doing so, exposes the entire facade behind The Fed’s QE.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 08/28/2014.