More Ignorance from Rand Paul

This is just flat-out ridiculous:
As Paul explains in his letter, ‘While I appreciate the inclusion of Small Business Health Plans in the BCRA, I believe improvements could be made to expand upon this provision to allow for greater freedom for individuals and small businesses to pool together for the purpose of obtaining health insurance coverage.’
Under the BCRA, self-employed people could participate in small business health insurance plans, but Paul wants ‘the language [to] be changed to allow any individual, including self-employed individuals, to form associations for the purpose of purchasing group health insurance.’
Basically what Rand wants is two-fold, although this OpEd only focuses on one of the two points.
This focus is on the ability for any group of people to get together and “form an association” to buy health insurance.
Think about this one folks. It sounds like a good idea — your church, your civic organization, your local chamber of commerce, your homeowner’s association or scout troop could get together and form an association “for the purpose of buying health insurance”, then negotiate with various insurance companies exactly like a business does.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-07-09.