Comex Crime Scene Mechanics

Perhaps you should consider the following information before entering The Comex Casino next time? Or, if you still can’t help yourself, there’s always 1-800-BETS-OFF.
Through late March and into April, we tried…and tried…and tried again to warn/educate as many as possible that The Silver Bullion Bank Cartel was once again up to their evil, criminal tricks. Here are the relevant links:
So now, here we are. Comex Digital Silver is in the midst of its worst “losing streak” in years, having fallen for eleven, consecutive days. And why is this happening? For virtually the same reason that it has always happened before. Namely, and as stated in the introduction of link #3 above:
“The Cartel Banks are simply playing their same old, tired game where they pull the rug out from under everyone after patiently flooding the “market” with new open interest, waiting for buying pressure to exhaust itself.”

This post was published at TF Metals Report on May 2, 2017.