Trump To Continue Bankrupting The US Through Foreign Wars

Remember pre-election, how the theme was that a Killary presidency meant certain war? And, how a Trump presidency would mean friendship with Russia and bringing many of the troops home?
Well, so much for that! Trump is just as oriented toward war as Hillary. The difference is one of geography. Trump’s wars are located particularly in the Middle East. He is already looking even worse than Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack O’Bomber or George ‘Victory in Iraq’ Bush.
Initially, Trump was touted by many as a changemaker. He was going to ‘drain the swamp’. What happened? Well, he mostly refilled the swamp with Goldman Sachs and other Wall Streeters. And, as for other ‘change’? The IRS continues to extort. The NSA continues to spy. The Federal Reserve continues to print. And the federal government continues to drown in debt.

This post was published at Dollar Vigilante on March 5, 2017.