The 2016 Political Cartoon That Gets It Right, Sadly

Political cartoonists are among the most creative artists in the world. How do they do it, day after day? How does anyone come up with that many creative ideas?
There have been hundreds of thousands of them over the years. They stretch back two centuries.
The cartoons that Thomas Nast drew of New York City’s “Boss” Tweed in the early 1870’s still get into American history textbooks. They brought him down, as he feared they would. Tweed offered to pay Nast to stop drawing them: $500,000 — at least $20 million in today’s money.
We see political cartoons. We smile inwardly. Maybe we smile outwardly. Occasionally, we laugh. Then we forget them.
Political cartoons are like leaves in autumn. They float downward, pile up on the lawn, and either get bagged or they rot. They are as memorable as last year’s newspaper. They are immediate. Therefore, they don’t last.
There is one political cartoon that may have shaped American politics. Had it not been for the Web, I would not know who drew it:

This post was published at Gary North on October 29, 2016.