How to Rebuild Healthcare Right

‘I reject the insurance model. I think we should have a free-market approach to healthcare.’
– Gary Johnson
‘The goal of real healthcare reform must be universal coverage in a cost-effective way.’
– Bernie Sanders
‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves….’
– Julius Caesar (I.ii.140 – 141)
‘The numbers [referring to the growth in the aging population and its relationship to Alzheimer’s] point to a disaster that will be the real zombie apocalypse. Western societies simply won’t be able to bear the costs of Alzheimer’s as the incidence continues to rise. Faced with impossible financial, emotional and psychological costs, we would have to funnel so much of our resources into the care of Alzheimer’s patients that the quality of life for everyone would plummet.
‘Escape from the zombie apocalypse, on the other hand, is entirely simple: cure aging itself. To be more precise, the solution to Alzheimer’s is to stop accelerated aging. We need to slow the degeneration that leads to Alzheimer’s and other age-related disease.’
– Patrick Cox, from his new book, The Methuselah Effect.
Is inflation something to fear, or we should demand that our central bankers craft policy to nudge inflation upward? There are genuine arguments about this, and I have written about the problems we have even tracking inflation, much less guiding it toward a target.

This post was published at Mauldin Economics on October 21, 2016.