Equifax Accidentally Directs 200,000 Customers To Fake Phishing Website

And the hits just keep coming for Equifax, the once-trusted credit-monitoring firm that has been embroiled in one of the biggest corporate public-relations disasters in recent memory since disclosing that hackers had penetrated its cyber security defenses and absconded with sensitive personal and financial data belonging to 143 million Americans. Because of the types of data that were stolen, including drivers’ license, social security and credit-card numbers, experts have described the hack as possibly the most damaging corporate hack yet.
As if this weren’t enough to permanently sully the firm’s reputation (amid cries of ‘you had one job!’) – the staggering irony of a credit monitoring firm inadvertently divulging the sensitive information that it was supposed to safeguard hasn’t been lost on consumers) a series of subsequent disclosures have portrayed the firm’s executives as bungling, at best, and nefarious, at worst.
In the nearly two weeks since the story broke…

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Sep 21, 2017.