Are America And China Destined For War?

In his recent book The Improbable War, professor Christopher Coker explains that it is ‘of vital importance that the possibility of a conflict between China and the United States continues to be discussed.’ Coker’s rationale for this is simple: ‘If the United States and China continue to convince themselves that war is too ‘improbable’ to take seriously, it is not they but the rest of the world that may ultimately pay the price.’
It would seem the good professor’s wish is about to be granted. We are about to be treated to what surely will be a media blitz over what can only be described as the most comprehensive book to ever tackle the question of not only whether a US-China war is possible, but what steps Washington and Beijing can take to avoid such a calamity.
Written by one of the world’s most prominent political scientists and strategic thinkers of the day, director of Harvard University’s Belfer Center, Graham Allison, anyone who has been following China in recent years likely guessed such an effort was in the works. The book is hooked on Allison’s popular ‘Thucydides Trap’ concept. The trap, as Allison described in a prominent piece for the Atlantic in 2015, is ‘the attendant dangers when a rising power rivals a ruling power – as Athens challenged Sparta in ancient Greece, or as Germany did Britain a century ago.’ Allison goes on to warn that in 12 of 16 cases he has studied throughout history, when such a situation takes place, war has been the result.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Mar 27, 2017.