Walker’s Gambit To Remain Relevant

Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Governor who is struggling to remain relevant in the Republican Presidential process, unveiled a fusillade at federal employment unions:
At a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Walker will propose eliminating unions for employees of the federal government, making all workplaces right-to-work unless individual states vote otherwise, scrapping the federal agency that oversees unfair labor practices and making it more difficult for unions to organize.
This is actually a very good proposal, but I don’t think it has much of a chance of either reviving his Presidential bid or getting passed.
I have no quarrel with private-sector unions provided that the employer can “fire collectively” just as the union can bargain collectively, with one proviso: No union may compel membership nor may it have access to personal information held by the company without the explicit and voluntary approval of each employee.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2015-09-15.