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Just why does government want to read everything you have ever written? They are obsessed with collecting data on everyone exactly as if this was George Orwell’s 1984. The people in charge are just insane. They have nothing better to do but act like Joseph Stalin who could not sleep at night worrying what others might be thinking. His solution – he murdered tens of millions far beyond Hitler. The Jews Hitler killed were economic based. Hitler was able to confiscate banks, business, and even collected gold teeth from dead corpses. Edward I threw all the Jews out of England and also got to keep all their assets. But Stalin killed not for money, but for fear of what people thought. He killed the smart ones who might create a counter-revolution against him. Stalin killed Kondratieff because his study of cycles said communism would fail. The Ukrainians hated the Russian because Stalin killed more than 8 million of them.
Human nature is not confined to borders. Stanley Milgram conducted his experiment with actors in the United States to see if killing the Jews was somehow just because the German people follow orders. He discovered that human nature is strange. He conducted his experiment in different cultures and concluded that humanity will simply obey authority to the point they will torture another if so directed. This is what governments depend on to maintain order. The unruly are the fearless who refuse to conform. With time, as governments always end up abusing the ruled, the unruly rise up in an organized manner. When they become the majority, revolution is born.

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on February 14, 2015.