The Medical System Is A Racket

I’ve long raised hell about the Libertarian Party’s refusal to insist on two things:
1. Wage and environmental parity tariffs. These are anti-exploitation tariffs. They are one of my proposals to prevent people from dumping toxic waste in the air, water and ground as a means of making production in one place cheaper than the other and thus moving their manufacturing to that location, along with making the exploitation of workers through non-voluntary measures that amount to extortionate work arrangements unprofitable.
2. True medical system reform that stops medical extortion in this country. I left the party formally during the 2012 election cycle over this issue.
Well, it’s come up again. The most-virulent attacks against my one sentence bill to stop medical extortion have come from….. Libertarians.
Let’s note for the record the alleged non-aggression principle that Libertarians claim to profess: One shall not initiate aggression via force or fraud.
That leaves as perfectly-legitimate the exercise of self-defense.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-06-29.