London Property Bubble Bursting? UK In Unchartered Territory On Brexit and Election Mess

– London property bubble bursting? UK in unchartered territory on Brexit and election mess
– Evidence of downturn in London housing market
– Over 75% of London homes now selling below asking price
– Prime north London property down 6 per cent annually
– House prices have not fallen for three consecutive months since the 2009 crisis
– Bank of England report expresses worry over UK property market
– ‘Adverse shock’ to UK economy may amplify negative feedback loop
– Increased political and economic uncertainty has weakened fragile London buyer sentiment
– Bank of England Financial Stability Report: ‘Mortgages are the largest loan exposure for UK lenders’
– BOE FSR refers to a ‘self-reinforcing feedback loop’ that, if triggered, would cause another 2008-style crisis in the UK
Is the London property market heading for tough times? The most recent housing figures and a new Bank of England report suggest it may well be.
Recent figures show that 77% of London houses sold in May went at below asking price, up from 72% in April. London as the capital of UK reflects international market but international investors have major concerns over uncertainties namely Brexit and the current state of the government. As a result London house prices are rising at their weakest rate in five years (if they are rising at all).
In prime estate London things are particularly bad, with prices in prime north and north west London falling by 6% in the last year.

This post was published at Gold Core on June 29, 2017.