Single-payer healthcare is gaining a lot of traction lately, especially in liberal strongholds like California. Last week we detailed how New York’s idea for single-payer healthcare could quadruple the citizen’s tax burden in the state, but it’s even worse in California.
A single-payer health care system in California (a communist’s dream cause among the state’s progressive flank) would cost $400 billion annually, according to a legislative analysis released on Monday. ‘Annually’ means that that $400 billion would be needed every year, not just the year of implementation. That number is more than four times the low estimated cost of New York’s plan. But that cost is likely to be a low estimate as well, considering the government never actually gets their numbers right. They always underestimate to lessen the blow to those whose livelihoods will be stolen to pay for this monstrosity. ‘Get the government involved in healthcare,’ they said. ‘It will be fun,’ they said.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on MAY 23, 2017.