Bill Introduced Allowing Cancellation Of Over $1 Trillion In Student Debt Through Bankruptcy

Courtesy of Sov Man’s Simon Black, here are several of the most bizarre legal anecdotes to take place in the US and around the globe over the past week, staring with a bill currently making its way through Congress, which is seeking to wipe out over $1 trillion in student loans.
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A Convenient Way to Cancel a Trillion Dollars of Debt
What happened:
Bankruptcy is like the ultimate get out of jail free card. You just get to wipe the slate clean, and even though your credit score and ability to borrow might suffer, you are free from all your previous obligations. But student loans have long been exempted from being erased by bankruptcy.
If this bill passes Congress however, hundreds of billions of currently delinquent student loans, potentially as much as $1.4 trillion worth of student loan debt…

This post was published at Zero Hedge on May 21, 2017.