Fake Rally: the Final Piece of the Trap

For 6 months; readers have been warned that the anemic advance in gold and silver prices over this period of time was/is a Fake Rally. The arguments in favor of this conclusion are almost too numerous to list.
a) Gold and silver are currently undervalued by roughly an order of magnitude, and in the case of silver, closer to two orders of magnitude. In any legitimate rally, the upward slope in prices would have been much, much steeper.
b) In a legitimate rally, silver always outperforms gold. Yet despite silver being undervalued versus goldby roughly an order of magnitude, the price of silver lagged the price of gold originally, and has barely kept pace throughout this sluggish ‘rally’.
c) For the first few months of this ‘rally’ we saw relentless hype from the mainstream media pumping gold – and only gold. Since then, the propaganda machine has reverted back to the same, anti-gold nonsense which we have seen for (in particular) the last 5 years: the Fed rules the gold market. In a real rally, metals prices would continue to advance irrespective of the same Serial Liars repeating the same lie they have been spewing for eight years – that the Federal Reserve is going to raise interest rates ‘soon.’
d) The motive for the crime: preparing for the Next Crash. The next premeditated take-down of our markets (and economies) has now been telegraphed, unequivocally, for several months. All we wait for is the trigger/detonation. Obviously the banking Crime Syndicate will not allow gold and silver to rally during this Crash. So metals prices have been marched slightly higher so that they can be slammed lower that much harder.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on 29 August 2016.