Trump Reverts To Populist Roots In “Tax Plan” Speech; Sets Up Congress For Another Epic Fail

Update: Following Trump’s Springfield, MO speech, Treasury Secratary Steve Mnuchin issued the following statement which, much like the Presidnet’s speech, calls for more jobs, higher wages, higher GDP growth, sugar, spice and everything nice….yet provides absolutely no details on how to accomplish any of it.
‘Today President Trump reaffirmed his commitment to deliver meaningful tax reform to the American people that is focused on growing the economy, stimulating job creation, increasing wages, revitalizing small businesses, and expanding economic opportunity for all Americans. ‘As the president explained, his vision of tax reform creates good paying jobs, grows wages for workers, focuses on tax relief for hard working, middle income families, and makes American businesses more competitive.
‘Historically, members of both parties have understood that the tax code is too complicated, creating a rigged system that only benefits wealthy special interests. We must make it fairer by leveling the playing field for American workers and job creators, in order to grow the economy and reinvest trillions of dollars back into our country.
‘Americans understand that middle income taxpayers and their families need tax relief and a simple tax code so they keep more of their paycheck and spend less time filling out their taxes.
‘At the Treasury Department, we are committed to continuing to advance the President’s vision on tax reform while working with Congress to pass a plan that will lead to economic growth and job creation to benefit all Americans.’

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 30, 2017.