Annual Growth Rates Have Dropped from 13% to 2% Since 1947 but Bill Gates Blames Robots?

Then we have workers being replaced by robots along with driverless cars. Here too, thanks to the elitists like Bill Gates, who suddenly wants to be an economist, he comes up with the solution that the government should tax robots as if they are workers. This, he proposes, would prevent the depletion of the government of much-needed income tax revenue.
First of all, robots are killing jobs because taxes and demand for benefits are going crazy. healthcare costs are consuming the net disposable income and government taxes, and the combination are conspiring to lower annual economic growth rates dramatically. Real GDP growth rates have been declining every since World War II and the dawn of big government. These people just do not get it. They are the problem. GDP annual growth has declined from 13% down to 2%. Just where has big government helped?

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on Jun 13, 2017.