White House May Ban Staff From Using Mobile Phones

As part of Donald Trump’s ongoing quest to halt leaks from within his administration, the White House may ban its employees from using personal mobile phones while at work. The move is expected to “raise concerns among staff including that they’ll be cut off from family and friends” according to five administration officials who leaked the proposed ban to Bloomberg, probably on their mobile phones.
While the idea was spun as being driven by cybersecurity concerns – with one official telling Bloomberg that there are too many devices connected to the campus wireless network raising security concerns – the real motive is likely simpler: with President Trump repeatedly complaining about press leaks since taking office, this may be just the next draconian step in eliminating unsupervised points of contact with the outside world. Mobile phone security has been a persistent issue for the White House, and at times some top officials have also worried about staff using their personal devices to communicate with news reporters, Bloomberg reported.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Nov 27, 2017.