Bill Blain: “We Are Approaching Levels Of Optimism Last Seen In The Days Of The Dot.Com Bubble”

Blain’s Morning Porridge”, Submitted by Bill Blain of Mint Partners
‘Comrades come rally, let the last fight let us win….. for though they offer us concessions, change will not come from above..’
Paradise or not, how much hotter can markets get?
Divided opinion here in the office this morning.. Stirring the pot is the BBC’s coverage of the ‘Paradise Papers’, purporting to demonstrate widespread tax avoidance by the international elites.
Tax evasion is illegal. But… It would appear most of these tax avoidance schemes the papers uncover are perfectly legal – raising the issue of what right do Journalists have to pry into the affairs of people sticking to the law simply trying to avoid double taxation and manage their estates legally and efficiently? Of course, the question remains – why the secrecy giving the appearance of shady dealings around anyone feeling the need to ‘optimise/avoid’ by paying tax offshore?
As the last card carrying Communist in the City of London, I remain confident I will live to see the revolution before I retire to my pile down by the sea.. Therefore arise ye starveling masses from your slumbers, let’s have the overthrow of the rentier classes and the dictatorship of the proletariat (as long as I can keep my yacht please..)
Aside from it earning trillions for the accountancy and banking firms involved, I doubt the celebs like Cheryl Cole know much about the schemes they’re involved in. This might sound cynical, but choosing a tax scheme laid out before them by their ‘financial advisors’ is probably less a focus than choosing which bank pays most interest.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Nov 7, 2017.