The US Is A Corporation. Precious Metals Stand In The Way.

Where have all the trillions of newly created ‘money’ gone? Into the failed and bankrupt banking scam conducted by the elites. All world-wide monetary policy undertaken by the central banks has been for the sole purpose of protecting the failed banking financial structure, propping up the fiat currencies.
Virtually none of the newly created ‘money’ has ever left the banking system for loans to be used for productive means. Instead, it is being used to enslave other sovereign nations, breaking them financially, then taking control of each nation, one nation at a time. Think of Ireland, Spain, Cyprus, and now Greece most prominently in the Kabuki theater known as the elite-controlled Western press. The purpose: A no escape treadmill of debt bondage and poverty. [Kabuki theater: Performance where nothing substantive gets done] Ukraine could be thrown in, for good measure, but it has been serving a different purpose: the [failed] attempt to disrupt and gain control of Russia. Much of this has to do with a revised Great Game where the UK has been replaced by the US. Different players, on the surface, but both owned by the Crown Temple, based in The City, located in London but not a part of the UK, just as the District of Columbia is located in Washington D C but not a part of the United States. [Note: The Crown is not the Queen].
The United States is a corporation owned by the Crown since the formation of the colonies. It issues fiat Federal Reserve Notes [FRNs], which, as we have often stated, are nothing more than instruments of debt or liens. Debt cannot be money. The word debt has no fixed legal meaning, so we will call it an obligation to repay on a contract. Without getting too far afield, FRNs, as liens, is what ties US citizens into the IRS tax system.
FRNs replaced the lawful United States Notes, which at one time were backed by gold and silver, in a bait-and-switch Ponzi scheme perpetrated by the foreign-owned [The Crown] Federal Reserve through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Early FRNs were also specie-backed by gold and silver when the Federal Reserve had them circulating along side US Notes. Gradually, US Notes were recalled and destroyed, and what remained in circulation were FRNs. During the joint circulation of US Notes and FRNs, the public accepted them as one and the same, the intended manipulation by the banking elites.

This post was published at GoldSilverWorlds on April 26, 2015.