Great Lakes with Historical Record Ice

The greatest scientific FRAUD of all time has been this Global Warming nonsense. But hey, they are great snake-oil salesmen who manage to get billions of dollars thrown at them to study what they will never admit are just natural weather patterns. This is is so damn cold, I think a few more months of this and I may never be able to have children again. The pipe will freeze and break. What the hell. Since we are just making up theories, that is fair game.
There is record ice now forming in the Great Lakesthat will exceed all records. When it keeps getting colder and there is more ice now at the North Pole when there should be none by now according to Al Gore’s first ranting on this subject, these con-men changed the title to ‘climate change’ with the same assumption we did it. They are con-men for there is no possible way any REALresearcher would have come up with this theory without back-testing. This is like looking at the stock market that rises for 3 years and pronouncing it will continue to rise forever.

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on February 22, 2015.