Harsh words on Swiss gold referendum from von Greyerz

Maybe he would be classified as a sore loser but Egon von Greyerz, of Matterhorn Asset Management, and one of the leading lights behind the unsuccessful Yes campaign in the recent Swiss Gold Referendum, may have a point regarding the tactics used by the Swiss establishment to secure victory.
“We were beaten squarely, but not fairly,” he commented at Mines & Money London on Tuesday.
He pointed to examples of the unprecedented campaign by the Swiss National Bank (the country’s central bank) to derail the Yes campaign. How the leader of the Swiss Gold initiative was prevented from appearing in a debate on the referendum on Swiss TV and that the Yes campaign was blocked from receiving donations via PayPal. This was quite apart from appearances by the head of the Swiss National Bank in the Swiss media almost daily to generate opposition to the proposal by someone who normally shuns any kind of publicity.

This post was published at Mineweb