The NEXT Reserve Currency

The U. S. dollar is dying an ugly death. The U. S. government knows it, and the bankers who run the U. S. government are certainly aware of it – since they are the ones who have (already) undermined its value to worthlessness.
Naturally, the dollar’s ugly death is never mentioned in the Corporate media. Even with the manipulationchoke-hold which this banking cabal has over our so-called ‘markets’; it would be extremely difficult to pump-up the value of the dollar to its present, absurdly fraudulent level if everyone knew that this was adying currency – which will be obsolete (and thus officially worthless) in a few year’s time.
All this is carved in stone. What has (previously) been the subject of considerable debate and speculation is what currency will replace the U. S. dollar as the world’s ‘reserve currency’. The crooked bankers and corrupt governments of the Western bloc have already floated several trial-balloons, in their efforts to attempt to maintain control over the global economy by being in complete control of the principal money supply for the global economy.
‘Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.’
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 – 1812)
This mantra of financial criminals (in general), and crooked big-banks (in particular) is based on the simplest of premises. If one controls the printing press of a nation (or, in this case, the global economy); that criminal can print-and-steal as much currency as he/she desires – and then use all that dirty money to buy-off politicians, regulators, and entire governments.
Buying politicians is ‘good business’ (assuming that one has no scruples) because these stooges-for-hire are notoriously cheap. Spend $100’s of thousands (or perhaps a few $millions) buying-off politicians, and it can yield countless $billions in (generally illegal) profits. Put another way; ‘investing’ in governments (i.e. buying them off) pays much better than investing in markets.
The result of this obsession of the Old World Order with attempting to maintain control of the printing press for the global economy has been several pathetic attempts to cobble together some (corrupt) replacement paper for the USD. First we had ‘the Amero’.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on Wednesday, 17 September 2014.