Banksters’ Bullion-Crisis At New Extreme?

Another day goes by. Another day of the West’s (the One Bank’s) economic terrorism against Russia: an overt attack on that nation’s currency, and thus the economy itself. As noted in the commentary which preceded this; such economic terrorism against the ruble damages Russia’s economy, on a percentage-for-percentage basis.
Another day of defiance: by Russia itself, and (increasingly) the Rest of the World. We now know that part (and perhaps most) of the motive for this escalation of Western terrorism against Russia is gold.
What is the best way to identify such motives, when this rapacious crime syndicate launches one of its major ‘operations’? Let them tell us, themselves. Having a megaphone of unparalleled proportions (the Corporate media propaganda machine); the Banksters – as the serial extortionists that they are – will inevitably broadcast their demands, loudly and unequivocally.
When they manufactured a global economic collapse in the Crash of ’08; they broadcast their demands (to Western governments), loudly and unequivocally: pledge $10’s of trillions to them (the real price-tag of their ‘bail-outs’) or they would complete the destruction of the global economy. The bail-outs were utter and complete fraud, as there were no ‘losses’, merely sham-debts engineered between tentacles of the same crime syndicate (the One Bank).
When the Banksters manufactured a currency-crisis in India last year; they also broadcast their demands loudly, although admittedly in a more indirect manner. The Corporate media merely ‘predicted’ (again and again and again) that India’s currency crisis (and the mythological ‘current account crisis’ which supposedly caused it) would magically disappear as soon as India blocked its gold imports – to a population which was (at that time) buying gold at a ravenous and unprecedented rate.
Now, as 2014 draws to a close; we see more economic terrorism from the One Bank, and once again its ‘demands’ are broadcast loudly and unequivocally by the Corporate media. Again (as with India) the extortion is more indirect than the shake-down of Western governments that took place in 2008.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on 22 December 2014.