The Market Has Never Done This Before

A fascinating statistic about the current no-vol state of the market, courtesy of Deutsche’s Jim Reid, who points out that the last time we had 13 consecutive days in which the S&P moved less than 0.3% in either direction was… never:
… all you really need to know about markets at the moment is that yesterday’s move in the S&P 500 (+0.16%) added to the record daily run of less than 0.3% moves in either direction. It’s now 13 days since we had a larger move using daily data back to 1927. The second longest streak of this length was of 10 days which has happened twice in history. The most recent time was in England’s solitary football World Cup winning year (06 Jan 1966 – 19 Jan 1966), and the other between 15 Nov 1961 and 29 Nov 1961. So these continue to be remarkable financial times we are living through.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 8, 2017.