Stocks Set Another Valuation Record

Believe It Or Not… There Actually Is Some Downside Risk
BALTIMORE – Not much action in the stock market last week. A few little steps ahead to over the 18,000 line for the Dow. Then a few little steps back. Currently the index sits at 17,732.
Fed chief Janet Yellen has made it clear she won’t do anything to disturb investors’ sleep. But that doesn’t mean they won’t have nightmares.
Our research department – headed by Nick Rokke and Chad Champion – reports that you get less for your money in America’s capital markets today than at any time in history. This is not good news. It tells us there is far more downside risk than upside potential.
Meanwhile, the U. S. economy continues to slow. From the high-water mark of 3.9% annual GDP growth in the second quarter of 2015, the latest figures (for the first quarter of this year) show the economy expanding at an annual rate of just 0.8%.

This post was published at Acting-Man on June 14, 2016.