The churches of America continue to fail in their primary duty to their members, namely, to preach the word of God for the purpose of saving souls. There are the continuing assaults upon our churches and there are new threats to the viability of the Christian churches in America as well. There is only one inescapable conclusion, the Christian spirit in America’s churches is largely dead on arrival. It is highly likely that your pastor is bought and paid for by DHS or the EPA or some other alphabet soup federal agency. The message of the Bible has been subverted to promote the message of the government.
Maryland County Pushes Churches to Preach Environmentalism In Exchange for Tax Credits Looking into he background of this tax revealed that the EPA demanded a tax at the state level to cover the cost of pollution ‘run off’ into Chesapeake Bay. The EPA leaned heavily on the States and the State began to lean on the Church. This led to a ‘storm management fee,’ passed by the state legislature in 2012, which will now go into effect following a decree from Democrat Governor Martin O’Malley.
Maryland has subsequently ordered its 10 largest counties to raise almost $15 billion dollars to pay for mitigating ‘run-offs’.
Churches in a Maryland county are being offered tax breaks for incorporating environmentalism into their sermons. According to the Washington Post, 30 pastors have started preaching ‘green’ ministries to avoid extra taxes. This is all EPA driven and controlling the message of the church has long the goal of the government.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on December 4, 2014.