Hillary’s Speech at Goldman Sachs Praised Her as ‘courageous’ for Defending Them

Hillary Clinton has refused to release her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts for which she earned millions of dollars giving paid speeches. Besides the $945,744.00 Goldman donated to the Clinton Foundation (making sure it was under $1 million), they also paid Hillary $675,000 for just speaking at Goldman Sachs, which was clearly a pay-off for there is nothing strategic that one would pay for in these transcripts that would further the profitability of the firm in the future other than buying a seat in the White House to soften regulation. Tim O’Neill was the co-head of investment management at Goldman Sachs and he conducted the questioning. The full transcript is available at NPR, while the paid media tend to spin it claiming they are ‘stolen’ and not ‘verified’ as they naturally defend Hillary.

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on Oct 16, 2016.