Why Seven Million Student Loan Defaulters Are In A Standoff With Uncle Sam

As the 2016 election cycle heats up, we suspect the debate over student loan forgiveness will become an ever bigger issue with the Hillary camp looking to woo young voters that aren’t quite as “enthusiastic” about her Presidency as they were about Obama’s. We also suspect that students, helpless “victims” of predatory lenders looking to give them $200,000 to pursue their dreams of becoming anthropologists while consuming copious amount of free beer at frat parties, will grow increasingly vocal in asking why the Nanny State would have given them so much money to pursue non-existent “careers”.
To put the student loan issue into perspective, there is roughly $1.3 trillion of student loans outstanding to 43mm Americans, an average balance of $30k per student. Roughly 16% of borrowers are currently in long-term default with outstanding balances totaling $125 billion, or an average balance of $18k per student.

This post was published at Zero Hedge by Tyler Durden/ Aug 2, 2016.