How Trump Could Shut Down Mitch McConnell if Necessary

The media have wet their Depends over Trump’s choice for Secretary of State.
We are told that Mitch McConnell — once hated by the Left, but now seen as the Left’s last hope — may mobilize Republicans in the Senate. The Senate will not consent to Trump’s choice. Rex Tillerson will be sent packing.
Oh, yeah?
Here is what I would do if I were Trump. I would tweet this:
Rex Tillerson is my personal Secretary of State. If world leaders want to deal with me, they will deal with him. He does not need Senate confirmation to represent me.
In 137 characters, Trump can tell Mitch McConnell to take a flying leap at a rolling doughnut.
He would then send Tillerson’s name back to the Senate. What could McConnell do? This: reconsider.
Trump can pay Tillerson a salary out of his own pocket. It would be Trump change. But Tillerson would do it for free, I think.
So would Trump’s designated Secretary of the Treasury.

This post was published at Gary North on December 15, 2016.