Ted Butler Quote of the Day 02-24-17

The current issue of the

World Gold Council’s newsletter

features an exclusive interview with Alan Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve. The World Gold Council, funded by gold miners, has an understandable and legitimate objective of fostering increased investment and generally higher prices for gold, as would any producer-funded trade group. (Silver, on the other hand, has no such producer group, as the Silver Institute is comprised of producers and consumers and even has representation by the COMEX).

I have followed Dr. Greenspan for years, before he was appointed as head of the Fed in 1987, even back to his days at Townsend-Greenspan Associates. I can’t say I ever understood many of his pronouncements in public testimony over that time, but my understanding was that the testimony was largely intended to be that way – intentionally ambiguous. I have heard Dr. Greenspan mention gold on numerous occasions and even remember some years back, after he left the Fed, an interview on


where he suggested they include copper on their flashing tickers, a suggestion the network took and maintains to this day. However, never have I heard Greenspan utter the word ‘silver’.

A small excerpt from Ted Butler’s subscription letter on 22 February 2017.

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